I DID have swine 'flu, I DID, I DID....

There has been some discussion in the Davey household as to whether we all had swine 'flu or only some of us.

Mrs Davey shares the opinion of certain doctors who build their case on strict principles of diagnosis.
It could be expressed in a paraphrase of Bob Marley's immortal and inscrutable words : "No fever, no 'flu!".

My views are coloured by human genetics and basic epidemiology. Not all people react to a bug in the same way, and if three people in a family develop a repiratory disease within hours of each other, then it is extremely likely to be the same disease.

Well our debates are over ! Enter http://quizz-grippe.fr/
Answer a series of simple questions and the likelihood of your having swine 'flu is writ large on the screen.
My result said I should have called an ambulance ! Hmm...

Remember. No book; magazine or website can ever take the place of a doctor's advice or common sense !


pippinsmum said…
I'm not disputing that YOU had swine flu, but a report in one paper today states that only one in four of those diagnosed (presumably by phone)
actually had it. How they work these figures out I don't know, but some of the folk I used to work with would claim anything to 'throw a sickie'
Alan said…
Yes, of course.
Unless we wre tested for the antibodies we'll never know for sure of course.
And some friends tested positively for A(H1N1) after a comparatively mild illness !
However the WILD CONTAGION of this infection would suggest swine 'flu.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it !

NB - Remember. No book, magazine or website can ever take the place of a doctor's advice or common sense !

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