Free to become the fourth mobile phone operator

We have our internet service with an outfit called Free. For 30 euros a month we get :

unlimited ADSL at some ridiculously high speed,
14 000 000 TV channels, all awful, including Sky news, BBC News 24 and BBC Entertainment (24hr Terry and June) with a Sky+-style set-top-box.
unlimited phone calls to almost all the world.

Not only that, but Free are committed to open-source software, so with the help of free programmes we can watch TV on any computer connected by wifi in our house, and now we can remotely start recording a programme on the hard disk of our Freebox via the internet.

Mobile phones are REALLY EXPENSIVE here in France and we are only just starting to get the special deals that have existed in Britain for years. Now you can get a contract from the supermarkets and sometimes these are good deals.

Enter Free. They aim to produce proper flat-rate charges of the order of 20 euros for 3 hours with unlimited sms. Good on yer, lads. After all, for the work here we don't actually need 24hr Terry and June, but we do all need mobile phones, sadly !


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