Oh well, I'm off to bed
You know those times when you can't feel your brain any more and you just aren't sure ? Well it's one of those.
Still, I saw the doctor earlier for my 6-monthly checkup. I blew down the tube and she said 'pour un asthmatique c'est tout-à-fait digne'. She checked my bp and weight and listened to me hyperventilate for about 15 minutes.
Still, I saw the doctor earlier for my 6-monthly checkup. I blew down the tube and she said 'pour un asthmatique c'est tout-à-fait digne'. She checked my bp and weight and listened to me hyperventilate for about 15 minutes.
Then she said "All fine - see you in six months - blood test first - over 50's we test once a year for PSA etc."
Over 50's ! Cheeky thing. I won't be over 50 till 2010 !
She said, "Are they male ?"
I thought 'You are opening a real can of worms there, doctor', but I said "One is."
She says the males are more allergenic than the females.
Oh really ?