From the sublime to the ridiculous

I drove from Kilmacolm along the Clyde to the Erskine Bridge, then up the A82 along Loch Lomond, through the Trossachs, past Glen Coe.

The Clyde was ravishing. Loch Lomond was splendid today. The Trossachs were snow-capped and stately. I am now in Fort William where the loch is breathtaking and I watched the coastguard helicopter land in a carpark.

And I am in MacDonalds. Why ? Clean loos, cheap tea, a free ice-cream I won the other day and free wifi access. Oh well... Soon I hit the Inverness road again.

Scotland - it's awfu' bonnie !

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Gwilym is back from the UK and sleeping on the sofa.


Anonymous said…
C'est le plus beau pays du monde, Ecosse, non?! Je sais que la France n'est pas mal... mais Ecosse, c'est beau, sympa et plutot 'cool'.

Eh ben... aujourd'hui j'ai mange avec ma femme dans un petit resto francais ici (Le Marche Francais) - c'etait tellement excellent!

Bonne chance... non, bonne providence pour demain!

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