Soirée Bonne Nouvelle Rive Gauche
Yes. Currently we are not keen on the word réunion ( it sounds too much like boring old routine meetings that businesses have ) or groupe ( which implies it's for the keenies, not for everyone ) so long live the soirée ! On the Rive Droite it's the Soirée Evangile. Due to a typing error on my part we have become the Soirée Bonne Nouvelle Rive Gauche.
And it was last night. We were 11. ( I told someone that we were une onzaine - don't ever say that unless you are kidding... it means "about 11", une dizaine is fine, une quinzaine is fine, but not une onzaine... However, you can say une petite douzaine which means eleven... ) Add in the sick and the unexplained no-shows and we could approach une vingtaine !
We did the study on the first of the fiches théologiques of the UNEREI, on the Bible, and it seemed to go pretty well. We crammed in to the cozy end of the room around the woodstove and I think that although the lighting is a bit less bright and more 'mood' down there, it did make it more comfortable.
We need to suss out a way of popping another uplighter down that end. I think I know how to do it.
The Fiches Théologiques are available on the internet and Sammy is reducing them to tract form to have as handouts at the door of the church, and then to Bible Studies for the Soirées. Jolly good.
You know, it occurs to me that with a big enough screen or a data projector you could do a good group Bible Study using something like the Online Bible - you can compare translations, show the Greek word, access a lexicon, etc.
And it was last night. We were 11. ( I told someone that we were une onzaine - don't ever say that unless you are kidding... it means "about 11", une dizaine is fine, une quinzaine is fine, but not une onzaine... However, you can say une petite douzaine which means eleven... ) Add in the sick and the unexplained no-shows and we could approach une vingtaine !
We did the study on the first of the fiches théologiques of the UNEREI, on the Bible, and it seemed to go pretty well. We crammed in to the cozy end of the room around the woodstove and I think that although the lighting is a bit less bright and more 'mood' down there, it did make it more comfortable.
We need to suss out a way of popping another uplighter down that end. I think I know how to do it.
The Fiches Théologiques are available on the internet and Sammy is reducing them to tract form to have as handouts at the door of the church, and then to Bible Studies for the Soirées. Jolly good.
You know, it occurs to me that with a big enough screen or a data projector you could do a good group Bible Study using something like the Online Bible - you can compare translations, show the Greek word, access a lexicon, etc.