You know I said my week usually starts slowly and then gets crazy from Friday to Sunday?

Well this week things are more balanced:

Monday lunchtime - Pessac Men's Group - Christ au coeur de la prédication.

Monday evening - Bible study in French with a Chinese student at the student centre. This will be fun. His French is very much at beginner level, but we have bilingual Bible Study books in French and Chinese.

Tuesday evening - Groupe Rive Gauche - beginning a series of Bible Overview / Big Picture studies with the creation chapter from Le salut de la Genèse à l'Apocalypse. Now I'm going through this book with one of the students, so this makes it easier. (That's the book with the unpronounceable Qu'ignorerions-nous? question in it.)

Incidentally the student centre really buzzed this Saturday with a good turnout for the Chinese meeting 2 - 4:40, good numbers for the English Class 4:30 - 6:15 ish and then the evening session on Apologetics from 7 to 10. It's great to have the place nice and busy!


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