It does seem strange...

Madame Royal says that if Sarko is voted in there'll be violence in the streets. Others have been saying this for some time.

Of course on one level it's inevitable, because even now in certain suburbs of Paris and other big cities there's fairly frequent violence in the streets.

However it does seem strange to imagine that today 54% of the French electors may vote Sarko in and tomorrow the other 46% will decide to throw stones at the nearest policeman in protest.

What is perhaps more likely is that as he begins to make his changes, his big changes, his rupture totale with the past, that people will protest at the changes, and perhaps then there would be violence.

It is hard for Brits to take in the difference in culture. Most French people I ask have been in demonstrations. In fact so far only one person has ever replied "No, I have never been in a manifestation." (I don't ask everyone, of course - only if the subject comes up.)

That's just the way it works.

So here's a bit of light relief:


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