Last Friday's run, and this morning's

Last Friday I had a most splendid time. The sunrise was wonderful and I met a little labrador puppy who was taking his owner for a walk. I first saw them attempting to cross an empty road as I ran down it. The dog was keen to follow me but he couldn't get his owner to cooperate. A nice little training challenge.

As I came up alongside the vines I met them again, as I thought I would. "Alors, qui promène qui?" I asked the guy. "Bonne question." he said. His dog was just adorable. Again he fancied running on with me, but his owner had other Ideas, so I left them having a nice tug of war as I continued on.

The morning continued with breakfast on the terrace. Porage al fresco.

This morning I saw them again and met them more or less in the same place.

"Ah, j'espérais te voir!" I said to the dog.

"On vous attendait."

"Alors, est-ce qu'il est un peu plus sage? Il commence a comprendre qu'il faut te suivre?"

"Oh, ça va venir."

"Non, je parlais pas à vous, je parlais au chien..."

"Ah oui..."


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