That was the week that was !

Well the blog is a bit quiet, isn't it. Let me tell you why.

On Wednesday usually Mrs Davey and I do a stint together at the Maison de la Bible, Bordeaux' excellent city centre Christian bookshop. This week Mrs Davey needed to stay at home with our offspring, so I done the stint alone.

I always enjoy my time in the bookshop. You meet super folks and get a chance to help and advise on reading, on Bible translations, on finding a church, all sorts of things...

My stint would finish at 2, so I arranged two appointments for the afternoon, one at just after two and another at about 3:30. And on the way to the bookshop I popped into Subway and bought a very nice salad for lunch.

On occasions in the past our replacement hasn't arrived to take over from us, but this time I had a very reliable replacement AND the determination to shut the shop at 2 and get to my appointments.


My replacement was unwell, but didn't phone to alert us.

No problem, you think. He said he'd shut the shop.

And so I would have done were it not for the customer sat in the window reading a book.


Thanks to the wonders of the smartphone I coud email and apologise for not making the rendezvous and reschedule for a fortnight's time.

My replacement arrived in time for my second appointment, so all ended on a better note.

Yesterday found us at the doctors in the morning, then I offered to replace Pat at the bookshop before going on to another interesting meet-up, this time in a focus group.


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