So what's this swine 'flu like then ?
A couple of people have asked :
1) extremely infectious. From 1 case to schools closed in 4 days is pretty good going.
2) different in different people. Gwilym was harder hit with fevers and pains. Catrin had malaise. I had a streaming nose and the worst cough (still there a bit).
3) not that severe for us. Here we are less than a week after onset and we're up and out.
1) extremely infectious. From 1 case to schools closed in 4 days is pretty good going.
2) different in different people. Gwilym was harder hit with fevers and pains. Catrin had malaise. I had a streaming nose and the worst cough (still there a bit).
3) not that severe for us. Here we are less than a week after onset and we're up and out.
Here's the latest medical opinion (from a med student but a clever one.)
It wasn't swine 'flu. It was a virus but not swine 'flu.
Swine 'flu always gives you a fever and always lasts 2 - 3 weeks.