So what's this swine 'flu like then ?

A couple of people have asked :

1) extremely infectious. From 1 case to schools closed in 4 days is pretty good going.

2) different in different people. Gwilym was harder hit with fevers and pains. Catrin had malaise. I had a streaming nose and the worst cough (still there a bit).

3) not that severe for us. Here we are less than a week after onset and we're up and out.


pippinsmum said…
Did you get Tamiflu? they give ot out like sweets here
Alan said…
No. We got aspirin, coffee, orange juice, stuff like that.

Here's the latest medical opinion (from a med student but a clever one.)

It wasn't swine 'flu. It was a virus but not swine 'flu.

Swine 'flu always gives you a fever and always lasts 2 - 3 weeks.
pippinsmum said…
Sorry , but thta doesn't add up. Most reprts say that swine 'flu'is a mild illness

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