Well, he's broken it

I saw the x-ray. I have the x-ray ! It's a nice break, not all the way through the bone, well away from the joints in his toe. As breaks go it's a nice one.

So the doctors (there's an intern with the doctor at the moment, a rheumatologist who's retraining as a GP) strapped him up and showed me what to do and prescribed lots of micropore, gauze and an anti-fungal powder just in case, and told me he needs shoes with good rigid soles.

Gwilym was relieved to find a pair of trainer-like shoes with good stiff soles in the supermarket. Otherwise it would have been a pair of Doc Marten style workshoes. Very un-cool !

He is off sport for a month. At present they're doing rugby and javelin, and he can't do either. He can go swimming but he needs to be freshly strapped up afterwards.

The doctor also told him that he must do up his laces, not just tuck them into his shoes - he sees loads of kids with clawed toes and the rheumatolog said "Yes, and I see them later in life." Quite !

There we are. Thank God for doctors and x-ray machines and for all the things we've learned together today.


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