Total eclipse of the moon

All we need is for the rain to stop and the clouds to clear.

Pat took the kids biking in the local park yesterday - there's one of these tracks for mountain bikes - and they had a whale of a time slurping through the mud. Catrin was fine once they had dug her out and the second time round she used a snorkel for breathing.


Jim Elliot coined for himself the slogan, “the moon is round!” The night sky was a visible reminder to him that God’s purposes are whole and perfect, regardless of whether we can see or comprehend the wholeness or perfection. Even when the moon was just a crescent, or when it was obscured by clouds entirely, Jim would acknowledge its roundness in spite of what his eyes insisted. For him, the silver sliver of the moon was a small thumbnail image — merely a part of the whole picture.* He recognized that his senses might be able to apprehend a tiny, distorted perspective — but that his senses did not determine or alter the reality. The moon was round, regardless. God’s person and work was whole and perfect, regardless.

( Thanks Joy for this )
Photo courtesy of BBC website.


joydriven said…
yes, i love that quotation.

i love LES CHORISTES, too.
don't worry--i'll get it back to you.
i promise.
Alan said…
There's no rush.. Enjoy :-)
Danny said…
Ah, I meant to view and photograph the eclipse myself, but was so far behind for Sunday...
Alan said…
Danny ! Welcome !

Well I tried to look at the moon, but the water kept going in my eyes and in the end, after I had almost drowned, Pat pulled me back into the house by the safety line.

Yes. It was raining. Heavily.
Anonymous said…
It was lovely, the moon actually, well to my eyes at least, took on a 3D appearance. 'Twere perfectly clear yere m'dear. However, by the time one has reached a certain - indeterminate - number of years, one has seen enough eclipses to become a little blase, (Where's the accent for that?), and so I didn't bother to watch it all the way through it's dark period. Does that make me old??? Probably!
Alan said…
Ken, 23 hardly qualifies as old, does it?

Blessings !
Anonymous said…
It does to a six year old - but that's enough of my emotional/mental age. (I think I have reached the point where my years are in reverse. I can remember what happened when I was knee-high to a grasshopper - glasshopper if your memory takes you back that far - but not what the lady wife said ten minutes ago. I put it down to senility but all the ladies I mention it to attribute it to selectivity).

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