My wife's just gone to

My wife's just gone to Italy.


Uh. yes? She's my wife....

My wife's still in Italy!


No, she's stays in one place.


minternational said…
So that's what you meant when you said you had time for more reflection this week! My wife's in the West Indies, btw. Jamaica? No, she went of her own accord. In fact, my wife's in North America. Alaska? You can't, she's in North America!

Every one a gem (as they say).
Alan said…
At the moment I am reflecting on the unity of God's people, but it is such a hot potato that I am having to email my thoughts to myself to try and make sure that what I say I really understand and really mean!


My wife's just gone to Indonesia.


No, she flew.
minternational said…
I guess you didn't intend this but the titles of your last 2 posts now comes up as 'My wife's gone to...' 'Pessac men's group' - well, I hope she has a nice time with them. Did she go in your place?

ps. Please email me your thoughts on unity - I'm in two minds over it.
Alan said…
hee hee - two minds - that's great!

Maybe we could dailogue by email and then I could post something afterwards?
Jon said…
Btw... my wife has gone to America...

New York?


Postmodernism - you have to love it
minternational said…
That would be grand - so long as you (here & now) publicly absolve me of any blame in what is ever blogged as a result....I have a reputation to protect you know!
Alan said…
I hereby and publicly promise to do all in my power to protect your reputation.

Pat's come running upstairs to ask why I am laughing so hysterically.
Anonymous said…
I know it's off-subject but it might start a new flow of creativity...

Two hydrogen atoms go to a bar and have a few drinks. After a while, they decide to leave. On the way out, one says, “Say, I think I lost an electron!” The other one asks, “Are you sure?”. The first one responds, “I’m positive.”
Anonymous said…
I'm being ever so good; I'm resisting the temptation to start sending elephant jokes and the like.

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