Made in France

"la casquette et les souliers seront made in France". That's what they said on the radio news when they were talking about the new uniform for the SNCF inspectors.

It highlights what for me is perhaps the biggest pitfall in French now - les anglicismes.

There are loads of English words that are used all the time in French now, and you never know how to pronounce the things.

For example. Shampooing has a French pronunciation that approximates to shaw-pwang.

This morning I was introduced to speaker and speakrine - words for TV presenters. Speaker = speak-urr. Speakrine is pretty much as you'd expect.


Anonymous said…
German is equally tricky. They just don't pronounce some words like we do in english. Levi is not "Leave - I", but "Lay -vee". Any many other strange things they say as well!
David said…
One of the biggest anglicisms when it comes to French TV is "zapper" to channel flick. It just sounds so out of place to me!
Alan said…
Yes. On zappe avec le zappeur.

Then there's le parking. And in summer faire le camping. In fact nous campons ce weekend.

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