Le bouquiniste
Near our home is a big second-hand bookshop. Today Gwilym was allowed to go to school late because the sports teacher is not there. He started at 10:15 instead of at 8:00 (and we got a lie in until 8:30! So much needed! A real answer to prayer!) So on the way back from taking him to school I visited the bouquiniste.
It's great! Almost nothing of value in terms of Christian books, but lots of paperbacks for about 1 or 2 euros, lots of BDs for about 6 euros and lots of history, cookery, etc. etc.
I will visit again when I have some money, though this may be somewhat unwise.
It's great! Almost nothing of value in terms of Christian books, but lots of paperbacks for about 1 or 2 euros, lots of BDs for about 6 euros and lots of history, cookery, etc. etc.
I will visit again when I have some money, though this may be somewhat unwise.