Christmas Eve reflections

1) Culte de Noël this morning.

There was a good number of visitors there and it was a good occasion. We sang (among other things) Hark the Herald, In dulci jubilo and Angels from the Realms, all in the French versions of course. Sammy preached from Isaiah 7 and Matthew 1. There was a poignant moment afterwards because our church administrator is battling cancer, had arranged a coupe d'amitié after the service - savouries, cakes, biscuits and a fruit punch - but she was too ill to be there.

2) Sermon buddy.

I emailed her my script for last week's message and she replied pretty quickly saying that there wasn't much in the way of errors. I saw her this morning and she said the same again and told me she'd return the corrected script to me next week. Well that's an encouragement, especially since last week Le Patron French proof reading website wasn't working.

3) Gwilym's birthday today.

He's had a nice day, with a special dinner - our Christmas dinner because the student centre is open tomorrow and we will be eating there. He loves a Sunday dinner, though I don't think either Gwilym or Catrin realised that they were eating duck.

4) Student Centre.

Do pray for tomorrow. We normally have a group of muslims who come, and tomorrow there'll be chinese people, too plus others. A surprising number of students are still in the city alone on Christmas Day. Pray for good opportunities to speak of Jesus informally. There may be a kind of epilogue of some kind. We'll play it by ear.

5) International church.

I went to a meeting some months ago for International Church Leaders (that sounds very grand - it means leaders of international churches) really on a fact-finding mission. Well the group who organised the meeting would really like to see something start in Bordeaux. That means in the next two or three years, I imagine.


Alan said…
This is the email from my sermon buddy :

Salut Alan !

J'ai fait les quelques corrections nécessaires...Il y en a très peu...Bravo pour ton français remarquable !

Je t'en parlerai dimanche.

A bientôt,

(Since I post the funny remarks I probably ought to post a positive one now and again or you all might get the wrong idea!)

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