M. Macron's speech

 It's very difficult in France to oblige people to do something. After all, the first word of the national motto is freedom. 

At the same time we now have lots of vaccine and cases of the delta variant of covid-19 are rising. Our test and trace system is working really well with free PCR testing available in lots of places in the city. But still there is a certain reticence about getting vaccinated.

So last night M. Macron addressed the nation. Would déconfinement be put into reverse gear? would there be new measures?

He announced that for all care and medical staff vaccination will now be compulsory. They have until September to get themselves vaccinated with the two doses. 

Meanwhile the "pass sanitaire" - covid passport - which is already required for entry to events of more than 1000 spectators will become necessary from August for events of over 50 people and for everyone over 12 years old. 

That means two doses of vaccine or a recent negative PCR test if you want to go to the cinema, to a concert, to a talk, to anything with over 50 people. We do not yet know whether that includes churches.

Then, again to encourage vaccination rather than relying on test and trace, PCR tests, currently free in France, will be charged for from the autumn.

This morning M Macron's twitter account has a gif of him speaking (no sound) but the words under his head are "FAITES-VOUS VACCINER". Get yourself vaccinated.


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