Being burgled

 I'm 62 and my home has been burgled 4 times, which means a burglary every 15 years. It isn't that much really, though it seems like a lot. Meanwhile I don't think either of my sisters has ever been burgled, though both are considerably older than I. 

Anyway, statistics aside, we've had a friend staying with us over the past few days recovering from surgery on Monday. Yesterday we decided to take a quick trip to the local mega-shopping mall on a quest to find sandals. We didn't find sandals, but when we got home we did find that we had been burgled.

They break the cylinder of the lock by force. Quite clever really, but you do wonder what the point of the lock is. Anyway usual thing, they rummaged well through everywhere - looking for money, I think. There wasn't any. They also took my laptop, the iPads and a bluetooth speaker.

We phoned the police. They arrived about 15 minutes later and told us what we could and could not touch pending arrival of the science team. We gave them the addresses the burglars had taken the computers - Apple's "Find my". One was in Cenon, the other about 15 minutes away by foot.

The science team arrived about 2 hours later and took fingerprints from any promising surface and then took our prints.

Meanwhile we could close the door but not lock it. Phoning the insurers took a LONG TIME on hold, then eventually we got through and they promised to send a locksmith. At 22:15 I worked out the best way to barricade the door so we could go to bed, but I got a call saying the locksmith was downstairs. I brought him up and he put a new cylinder (barrilet) in the lock.

You can get reinforced barrels. They cost a LOT MORE but I am going to find out about it today.

As well as making an incident report to the police and an insurance claim.

And ordering a new iPad.


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