Wot ? No Théologie Systématique ?

A conversation :

Alan : "I say, chaps, would either of you toppers have a Systematic Theology in French that I could borrow do you think, what ho ? I've got plenty of the jolly things in English, don't you know, but not in French !"

(I've translated, of course...)

Pasteur et conseiller presbytéral : "Sorry old boy, no can do, love to oblige and all that, but if you go there you'll find the cupboard is bare, not a thing - just a couple of chapters of Berkhof and the promise of Grudem one fine day !"

A : "What ? Not one ?"

P+CP : "One did used to be able to get one's hands on a big Berkhof, but a lot of water has gone under the old stony crossover since those days and the white rose having bloomed thus far refuses to repeat the exercise."

A : "You know what, old beans, all suddenly becomes clear as the briny off Cap Ferret !"

There is, apparently, no decently thorough Systematic Theology available in French at the moment. One brother went so far as to suggest Packer's "Knowing God" as the best thing on the market just now. The Excelsis 2010 catalogue promises Grudem soon. Berkhof was translated but is long-time out of print, apparently.

This explains a lot !

I am constantly stunned by the doctrinal eccentricity which is characteristic of the scene here.

Ha ! Stunned no more ! This is what systematic theologies are for, it would seem. To help us to become slightly less nuts !


minternational said…
Ha ! Stunned no more ! This is what systematic theologies are for, it would seem. To help us to become slightly less nuts !

I can only presume on this basis that you've never read one?
Alan said…
We would like to thank the Most Extremely Reverend Minternational, the highly-esteemed Chairman of the Mission Council, for his gracious interest in the blogue and for his insightful comments.
Larry said…
So what do pastors use in seminaries? What books are most needed that arent yet available in French?
Alan said…
Apparently in the Aix en Provence seminary there's a copy of the old Berkhof in the library, or so I am told. When books are scarce libraries are even more important !

Boy - we need all kinds of good books ! The BEST and MOST USEFUL books, that's what we need. Not all the pulp that sells most.

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