The Daveys of Tip Cottage

This has nothing at all to do with the price of fish, but my high-tech brother-in-law has just sent me some scans of old family photographs. The first shows the house where my father grew up, on the mountainside in Porth. It was known as Tip Cottage because the tip of mining waste was just behind it. You can see just beyond the house the incline where the waste was dragged up the mountain to be dumped. They kept chickens and rabbits and grew lots of vegetables and fruit in the garden.

The second photo shows my father's family. My grandad is wearing the cap, my grandmother is beside him. My father is directly behind his mother. The family lived in this cottage with no running water and no electricity, and with two bedrooms, the one reached through the other, until the 1950s.

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Chicariad said…
I just came across this site when searching for Tip Cottage. My gradparents Brian Evans and Rosemary Evans (nee Pincott) used to live in the cottage when they first got married in approx 1960. My grandfather recently passed away so the cottage has come up in many conversations over the past week or so. It is no longer standing but I am so happy to have come across this photo. My grandmother will love to see it so I am going to print it off for her!! I wonder if they bought the cottage from your family!

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