Apprendre le français ... à Paris !
At the moment several of our friends are in Paris learning the language of Molière -
James, the MetroCalvinist blogs about his experiences and has some cracking photos of French Kosher Pizza, a very splendid cake, etc. James is a Gaelic speaker and is revelling in Paris.
Peter and Rhiannon are at Les Cedres immersed in an intensive course. Peter and Rhiannon are both Welsh speakers.
Bon courage, les amis ! Dyfal donc, hein ?
James, the MetroCalvinist blogs about his experiences and has some cracking photos of French Kosher Pizza, a very splendid cake, etc. James is a Gaelic speaker and is revelling in Paris.
Peter and Rhiannon are at Les Cedres immersed in an intensive course. Peter and Rhiannon are both Welsh speakers.
Bon courage, les amis ! Dyfal donc, hein ?