Compte Rendu continued

Hi there!

Compte rendu was far less scary this week.

We had to learn this strange code for taking notes. You have arrows shooting in all directions.

Strange abbreviations like rdg, fxo => -> <- ^ " £ etc.

We then had to listen to a reading on TV and whether it makes people cultured or not and take nt/=+ from it.

Then we have to work it up into a 40-word compte rendu ready for next week.

So far this week we've had to discuss three newspapers together, do a phonetics lab session, talk about the French attitude to nose-blowing in civilisation and do many more strange and useful things.

Phonetics - the lacturer is quite a card. She said if she catches anyone speaking their own dear little mother tongue they'll have to buy coffee for everyone. Second offence is a croissante for everyone. She says her class is torture - we have to listen to a reading and transcribe it exactly. We also have to read an article. The transcription might have been a little easier if she had chosen one that didn't have lots of esquimaux tribe names in it!


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