'Flu jab

 Both Pat and I get letters telling us to get a 'flu jab. I guess I've been having them for about 20 years or more thanks to being asthmatic. Anyway the letter came the other week.

Here in France the system has changed over the years. 

At first : 

Take the letter to the doctor. Get it stamped. Take the stamped letter to the pharmacy. Get the vaccine. Take the vaccine to the doctor. Get it injected. Two doctor's appointments.

Then :

Take the letter to the pharmacy. Get the vaccine. Take the vaccine to the doctor. Get it injected.


Take the letter to the pharmacy. Get the vaccine. Get a nurse to come to the house. Get it injected.

Then two years ago:

Take the letter to the pharmacy. Get the vaccine and get it injected. A one-stop vaccine shop.

The problem was that people don't get vaccinated. Even with the one-stop shop we only achieve a 50% take-up rate. That may change this year, though, of course.

Meanwhile even if you aren't called for a vaccine you can get one if you want, for the modest sum of 12€, stuck in your arm while you wait. One local lady got her whole family done.


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