You can tell

that I've had a busy week when the blog is quiet, very very quiet.

Anyway it's been a busy week, but an OK week.

Some highlights?

Well an evening with the students talking evangelism and apologetics. Tried to emphasise a holistic approach - people need to believe with their hearts as well as their minds - they won't believe till they want to believe, till they choose to believe.

An evening with our car share scheme hearing about their new plan for a "pick-up anywhere, drop off anywhere" fleet of shared cars in inner Bordeaux. Sounds great, though not too relevant to us, living in "outer Bordeaux".

A morning distributing gospels in the big market in the middle of Bordeaux. Great people, very friendly. It was a nice time.

Then yesterday we started the service VERY LATE INDEED because people had been held up by antifascist demonstrations (the full monty, broken windows and cash dispensers, tear gas, riot police and everything) that took place in response to a visit from Marine LePen, who could well be our next president if recent events are anything to go by. Then we can look out.

I just switched mobile phone operator. I have been with a rather expensive contract because it gave me included data cover in the UK, very useful for church visits, etc. It also included premium Spotify! Wonderful.! Then a couple of months ago they lost Spotify. And from July the hated European Union is abolishing roaming charges, so all operators will be forced to include data cover as long as the UK is part of the EU, at least. So I've switched to a scheme that gives me all I need for just 3 euros a month. Yay!

Today Pat has her TCF ANF exam which she needs to take to become a French citizen (keeping her British nationality, of course).


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