Back on line

Well here I am back again.

This morning's run was fresh!!! As in "running through the clouds of your own breath" fresh. And because the trees are still trying to sabotage me, I had to stop to use my inhaler twice. But apart from that it felt good.

One drawback of these lighter mornings is that there are more people about. On Tuesday morning I passed someone running the other way. We waved to each other. This morning I passed various people and a somewhat gasped "bonjour" was necessary.

I was a little perturbed recently to discover that regular running will add on average three years to your life. This all sounds great, except that you then remember that it adds the three years on to the end, the bit where you're ill and immobile and so on... If I could add three years onto my thirties, then that would be great. Except it's too late.

But I suppose it doesn't work quite like that. I hope that as well as adding three years, it will make the last years a bit easier, less ill, less immobile or something. Improved quality and not just increased quantity. Anyway.

Then I was off into Bordeaux to the Fnac, my favourite shop.

The mission financial man had suggested they loan us money to get a laptop to get going again. It's a bit awkward having money travel back and fore to the mission, however, because the chap who does our payslips calculates them from the emails that accompany our money transfers and each time I have to remember to tell him that a reimbursement, or whatever, is not additional salary. Ebb and flow of a loan would be complicated.

However, each time we pay for travel using our French account, we get reimbursed into our English account. This was building up a little sum ready for when we come over in the summer and have to hire a car for three weeks in August! So I decided to use that to get another computer.

My heart was somewhat heavy making this big purchase AGAIN, but the Fnac had a special offer on one particular capacity of computer, so that helped a bit.

And I'm back online. Now to listen to some Banner of Truth Conference sessions.


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