Meet Sumo

Our neighbours have two cats. We don't know their real names.

One is small and timid and has been nicknamed Susan.

The other we nicknamed Sumo.

Catkin (known to his owners as Caramel) has bene quite cool towards us since we went away on holiday. He comes in but doesn't want to converse or to be touched, thank you. He just patrols then goes.

Sumo craves attention and longs to be scratched and rubbed. I wonder if he has some kind of skin irritation, frankly. He is a very substantial cat, after all.

This morning Sumo was in the flat when Catkin came to patrol.
Catkin sneaked in while Sumo's back was turned, then attempted to leave surreptitiously.
Sumo spotted him and made an agressive yowl, before lining up to spray on the sofa. Pat stopped him, firmly.
The cats then lined up for a major dispute in our garden, but we chased them off.
Not on our turf. Not on our watch.
If they're going to fight they're going to fight, but they can do it elsewhere!


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