What? When?

I was on the way to the old house to do some sorting ready to sell or to dump, when my phone rang.

"Hallo M Davey, it's Isabelle, just to say we're calling in this afternoon to read the meters."

"Funny", I thought, "What's the point of reading the meters now?"

Anyway, all of a sudden we had three rendez-vous this afternoon:

1) the plumber to fix the dripping hot tank

2) the buyer to read the meters

3) a friend to collect an old dead wood-stove.

The plumber looked and reflected and proposed a solution and will come and do it on the 30th. That's fine. The latest date for completing the sale is the 2nd January.

Next to arrive was the buyer. We talked about this and that. Then I said, "There's no news of a date for signing the act of sale?"

"Well yes, next Monday at 14:30."


I digested this information quickly. Then phoned my solicitor.

"Any news of a date for signing the act of sale?"

"Well, no, I am waiting on a reply from the office of urbanisation, but there is a possibility of next Monday, but frankly I can't see it happening..."

OK. So it's all hands on deck to clear the remaining stuff from the house!

Meanwhile, the good news is that we don't need to clean too thoroughly because they are renewing EVERYTHING. Floors, walls, even ceilings!


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