Quack, moo !

About 18 months ago, I think, I decided to change doctor for one here in Pessac within 2 minutes walk of our home. Recently I decided to change back. For various reasons, the main being that the new doctor hasn't done anything resembling an examination, no listening to lungs, to measuring of nothing at all. He just writes the prescriptions.

Oh well...

So it means booking a share-car and hurtling round the orbital motorway to Villenave. It'll be good to see the old doctor again.

Then, and in a burst of irony that we could never plan, we have to zoom downtown to the most popular restaurant in Bordeaux, l'Entrecôte. All the students have been there. We have heard so much about it. It's a Bordeaux rite of passage you have to do sometime before leaving the city. But it's not cheap, at 19€ a head - even at lunchtime, and you have to queue up for the place. You can't book a table. So we've kind of reserved it as a place to go before we leave.

Then along came a friend from another city who said "I have to take you to l'Entrecôte." I proposed another place. "Oh no. It's a Bordeaux institution." So I shall go almost directly from the doctor to the steakhouse!


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