Going to the airport

We had a matinée d'accueil at the church, which gave us a chance to meet up with some folks and get to know them better. Then Mrs Davey and the little Daveys arrived and we had a nice lunch of left-over pizza and ham sandwiches before we went to the airport and Gwilym and Catrin went to the Teens club.

We took tram A to the stop Lycées de Mérignac, then as the tram pulled up bus 1 to the airport appeared and we hopped on. It stopped just at the terminal and we helped a Scottish couple find the way to the Low-cost departures place.

Some people are disappointed by the Bordeaux Low-cost terminal, but I like the way that from the check-in desk you can see the security scanners, and beyond them the duty-free shop, the café and the departure gates. All in all once at the airport you only have about 50 yards to walk. Not like some airports where you end up walking for ages through endless glass corridors.

A difficult farewell to Pat, then through security and off to a short wait to board the plane.

I was apprehensive of another bout of aerosinusitis, so I got some menthol and eucalyptus chewing gum and chewed for England on the ascent and descent, and all was well.

We arrived in Edinburgh a little early and the luggage was unloaded and waiting for us before we got off the airport buses.

Scottish efficiency !


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