Listening to Stuart Olyott preach at Aber on 1 Tim 3:16

Watch it here, then sing this.
Thou art the Everlasting Word,
    The Father's only Son;
God, manifestly seen and heard,
    And heaven's beloved One.
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou,
That every knee to Thee should bow! 
In Thee, most perfectly expressed,
    The Father's glories shine:
Of the full Deity possessed—
    Eternally Divine.
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou,
That every knee to Thee should bow! 
True image of the Infinite,
    Whose essence is concealled;
Brightness of uncreated light
    The heart of God revealed.
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou,
That every knee to Thee should bow!  

But the high myst'ries of Thy name,
    An angel's grasp transcent:
The Father only — glorious claim —
    The Son can comprehend.
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou,
That every knee to Thee should bow!

Throughout the universe of bliss
    The centre Thou, and Sun,
Th' eternal theme of praise is this,
    To heaven's beloved One:—
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou,
That every knee to Thee should bow! 


gethin said…
What we actually sang on the night was "Lift up ye gates" (having rehearsed it several times on previous nights with amazing difficulty!) - that's why he mentions that we knew it wasn't the last hymn.
The Ralph Davis seminar on ministry was another highlight - worth watching!

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