To France ? Well, to Dartford


So there we were in this massive queue of traffic approaching the toll booths of the Dartford bridge when - that over-familiar feeling - another cable hits the dust.

Phone calls. A tow. A garage. More phone calls. "They can fix it and you can wait in a hotel."

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...

We watched Doctor Who. We found a chippie. And a Co-op. We watched the traffic on the Dartford Bridge. I read Grudem on my iPhone. We ate pizza. And Very Good Breakfasts. Then on Wednesday evening, too late to get the ferry, we heard that the car was ready.


9am at garage. Whole clutch assembly replaced. Suggestion that it was not done properly last November. Pay bill and leave with old parts ready to reclaim money from garage / Citroën. Clutch is light ! Amazing !

10:45 ferry terminal. 11am is full, room on 1pm. Make 4th and final change to ferry booking.

3pm Douce France, tu m'as manqué ! We chatted with a Franco-English family on the ferry. "Vous-êtes Français ?" she asked. She's Parisian. Feel greatly encouraged !

Rouen crossed, no holdups. Stops every 3 1/2 hours. Drinking 'Relentless' tropical fruit and CAFFEINE ! Arrive home 01:30 Friday. Greet the maid then quickly to bed and to sleep.

6:30 awake as usual ! Stupid body clock !


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