Oh I am so ILL
Ok, I have a cold.
Anyway in between preparation for Sunday (I gotta be ready because tomorrow there's lots of stuff going on) I hauled myself off to the collège this morning where there was a portes ouvertes. We couldn't care less about that, but Catrin was performing in a little pièce de théâtre. She was by far the best, with a curly lad in a white djellaba coming runner up.
Once she'd done her thing we went home, then back to the collège this afternoon for the bénédiction de la chapelle and the inauguration du collège et du lycée, in presence of Monseigneur Ricard, M. Benoît (the mayor) and M. Rousset (Président de la CUB and ex-mayor of Pessac).
Now I'm off to bed because I feel lousy and tomorrow we muster at 10:30 for the Marseillaise at Pessac Town Centre (Victory in Europe day here), then lunch at the music school and an extraordinary practice till 4, at which time I scuttle off to the Eglise Libre for the meetings of the Fédération Protestante with eating together and discussions till 9, I think.
Anyway in between preparation for Sunday (I gotta be ready because tomorrow there's lots of stuff going on) I hauled myself off to the collège this morning where there was a portes ouvertes. We couldn't care less about that, but Catrin was performing in a little pièce de théâtre. She was by far the best, with a curly lad in a white djellaba coming runner up.
Once she'd done her thing we went home, then back to the collège this afternoon for the bénédiction de la chapelle and the inauguration du collège et du lycée, in presence of Monseigneur Ricard, M. Benoît (the mayor) and M. Rousset (Président de la CUB and ex-mayor of Pessac).
Now I'm off to bed because I feel lousy and tomorrow we muster at 10:30 for the Marseillaise at Pessac Town Centre (Victory in Europe day here), then lunch at the music school and an extraordinary practice till 4, at which time I scuttle off to the Eglise Libre for the meetings of the Fédération Protestante with eating together and discussions till 9, I think.