Provoking some discussion, those buses !

Gerald Warner in the Telegraph says : the most interesting part of the slogan is the second half: "Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." Since when was the message that there is no one in charge, nobody to protect us or lend succour, thought reassuring?

The notion that an unregulated universe, world and society are enjoyable is intrinsically nihilist. It betrays the fundamental misunderstanding of Christianity that afflicts secularists. They do not see God as comforting, but as threatening. That is because the concept of any curb on human passions, any moral sanction, is now regarded as making it impossible to "enjoy your life". This grey hedonism is contradicted by the visible phenomenon that many of the people who most zestfully enjoy life are Christians.

Ah yes. Do you ever wonder what it is like to live in an empty universe, with no one to hear you when you scream, or when you cry, or when you pray, or when you die. Reassuring ? "Enjoy your life ?" So that's the best we can do and the highest value anyone can have ?

Of course that's the highest value many of us live by. "I just want to be happy", says the cheating marriage partner and parent. Oh, of course ! So obviously the home must be destroyed, the covenant must be broken and the children must be farmed out. You aren't happy and what is stability, honour, faithfulness, truthfulness and responsibility compared to that.

Oops - the rant alert is flashing. I'll shut up.


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