The demo in Bordeaux

Lovely weather for a walk through town together !

At the bus stop I chatted with this lady who said "You don't demonstrate ?"
"No, never ever have."
"So what do you do when you aren't happy with what the government is doing ?"
"Well we grumble about it but nobody listens."
"We demonstrate, but nobody listens. Still, it does you good to demonstrate. Ca fait du bien de se manifester."

I thought of the old lady who said to her pastor, a friend of mine, "It does you good to have a good moan, doesn't it?", and of course, it doesn't ! William Cowper was right, and I am sure was speaking to himself, when he said :

were half the breath thus vainly spent
to Heaven in supplication sent
our cheerful cry would oftener be
"Hear what the Lord has done for me !"

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