Farewell to Southend!

(Well, farewell IN Southend anyway..) We just spent a happy weekend at Southend with long-time friends getting a chance to talk through what's happening with us as all our kids played happily together. We met two new spouses and saw some people we hadn't seen face-to-face for over ten years.

The town marked the occasion with a splendid fly-past by a wild array of aircraft (Harrier, bi-planes, Boeing 757, Lancaster) and the roads were not too bad either.

We also had opportunity to talk about the work in Bordeaux at Providence Baptist Church, Prittlewell on the Sunday, and to meet the splendid folk there.

Thanks, everyone, for making it such a memorable and enjoyable weekend.

Next time in Bordeaux? (Don't know if they'll lay on an air-show, though...)

(p.s. I am REALLY going off the term "old friends")


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