Spying out the land

Bordeaux has the virtue of being relatively accessible from North Wales - at least compared to, say, Papua New Guinea or Patagonia. So in July 2003 I went to spend a few days looking at the place.

I am not sure if this was a good idea or not.

Well, yes it was, really.

I saw the evident spiritual need. The masses of young people (about 100,000 students at last count). The affluence and style of the shopping streets. The narrow back streets where people live. The suburbs, which looked like ... suburbs. Some outlying towns.

But we live in a really pleasant, quiet kind of place. Bordeaux is big and busy - and at the time I went it was ONE BIG BUILDING SITE. They were putting in the tramways.

I wondered if it was right to take my family from our pleasant home and nice school and from Cymru annwyl to live down some alley in a big southern city in France.

Some hard thought and hard prayer. And yes, we decided it was right. And we won't necessarily end up living down an alley. We may end up in the suburbs! Who knows!

Pat hasn't seen Bordeaux yet. We hope she will be able to visit soon.


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