
 So my appointment to be vaccinated was for 17:48. In our local surgery there are two doctors and both were taking rendezvous, 8 minutes apart. I thought it highly unlikely that they could really vaccinate people in 8 minutes, all the admin included, so I didn't bust a gut to arrive on time. I was about 2 minutes late.

At the door the two eager young doctors were hovering. The one has a man-bun, the other shaves his head. I often wonder what would happen is you could average them. Anyway, I digress.

The one with the man-bun checked my name off his list and then took my Carte Vitale. 

"We'll do the necessary, you'll have a short wait, the nurse will do the jab, then you'll need to wait here a while before going home."

"I thought you'd never be able to do a patient every eight minutes!"

"We're doing them every four."

They'd combined their list and created a kind of vaccination-line.

So while they did the necessary I sat in the little waiting area. After just a couple of minutes the nurse called me in.

"Which side?"

"This side", I said, rolling up the sleeve of my tee-shirt.

"Oh, you're well-prepared in a tee-shirt!"

In went the injection in no time.

"Do you have Doliprane?"

"We have enough for a week."

The nurse laughed.

Out into the waiting area and I got my certificate of vaccination, entitled "Données télétransmises à l'Assurance Maladie". "We'll just keep you here a little while. Do you have Doliprane at home?"

"We have enough for a week!"

The doctor laughed.

I sat and read my book. Every so often the bald doctor would call a name and say "It's OK for us." and the person would go home. Soon it was my turn.

Very impressive!

Pat's doctor told her to take paracetamol as a precaution, so she didn't until she developed flu-like symptoms.

My doctors didn't tell me to take it as a precaution, so, of course, I did.


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