A BIG weekend

I really wasn't sure about last weekend.

  • Friday evening - a church members' meal.
  • Saturday - Church council meeting.
  • Saturday evening - preaching for the Chinese
  • Sunday morning - baptism service at Blaye
  • Sunday afternoon - Church Annual General Meeting
  • Sunday evening - we cancelled the English Service !

Not only that but we've had ghastly weather. Rain, rain and more rain interspersed with periods of cold cloudy greyness. And cold.

Such that during the council it was suggested that we postpone the baptism by "at least a year" !

Anyway Sunday dawned bright and sunny and warm. The water was cold but we were quickly reheated by vast quantities of Spaghetti Bolognaise.

Gwilym and Catrin were baptised, along with Samuel, a young chap from Bourg in the Blaye area.

Here's a photo montage made by Fritzie :


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