Episcopal visit

The president of our region came to visit at the weekend. He's a nice guy who lives up in the Mas d'Azil in deepest Ariège. He has two churches under his charge, both date back to the 16th century and the town was besieged during the wars of religion in the 17th century.

He came to eat with us on Saturday evening and then preached in the morning to a decent group. In the evening I preached on Deborah's song from Judges 5 and we had a nice group for the English service.

On Saturday night I was bitten by a mosquito just under my eye, and it swelled up nastily. Antihistamines and some after-bite cream have helped and it's almost back to normal.


Ken said…
It's really very kind of you to ensure that this poor little mosquito which swelled up so badly after having bitten you received such loving care that it's nearly back to full health now. At least it'll know better than to bite you again!
Alan said…
Scuse me any fule kno that "it" in that sentence will refer to the last cited noun, i.e. my eye and not the mosquito.

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