Struggling with the timing of the old prayer letter

Boy we need prayer. Thankfully we have lots of prayers (pray-ers). And the prayers need information !

That's why we send out prayer letters ! However when do you send them ?

A logical time is in September before everything in the student work starts up and when everything is in planning. However everything is so "prospective" then. We hope to, we want to, we plan to... (Yes, that's all very good but give us people to PRAY for !)

In October (now) everything IS startiing up. It means you're juggling planning meetings and meeting meetings though, and you don't yet know how things will go.

Then there's the "micro-timing". Christian work in France is a roller-coaster. Something goes well ( this could be someone putting out Bibles before a meeting, or it could be a national reconciliation of christian groups ) and you're on cloud 9. Two days later soemthing else happens and you're back in the dumps. It's two steps forward and one step back often.

The best way, perhaps, is just to say "It's due" and send it out no matter...!


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