Sniff ! Sneeze ! Moan !

For years I've had this tendency to catch a cold if I get over-tired. You can almost put it in the calendar.
So after the epic Dover to Bordeaux drive - I caught a cold.
And after the team left ... you get it.

One thing has changed. I used to get simple streaming colds. Sometimes I'd end up with a nasty cough afterwards but that was it. Now I get sinus pain ! Ouch. I imagine that that's a side-effect of  the furring of the nasal tubes after years of living in cities...

So it was that yesterday found me lying in bed, sneezing and moaning quietly to myself. At 6 I went out to the school of music because I'd told them I'd help with people signing up. That all went well - and there's a protocol in France for folk who have a cold - no handshake, no bise... So I dosed myself up with ibuprofen and paracetamol and took a flask of tea with me (that was a stroke of GENIUS !) and all was OK.

It's great helping out with the inscriptions because you get to know your colleague and you also get to guess the spelling of French surnames - some of which are far from obvious !


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