Pessac has been very quiet today

Partly because it has been hot enough to melt the toenails off your feet.

Partly because it is the Fête de l'Assomption.

This is, of course, the traditional belief, made official Roman Catholic doctrine in (I think) 1950 that Mary was taken bodily up to heaven, with or without having died (traditions vary on this and the Pope's decree is worded so as to hedge all bets).

The book of Acts makes no reference to this event, though I did once see a cartoon strip of Acts where the cartoonist depicts John rushing into a room saying "Guess what ! Mary's just been taken bodily up to heaven !" You have to compare your translations, though, don't you.

What does this mean practically ?

It's a bank holiday, so lots of shops and businesses are closed and there's no post or refuse collection.

There are festivals in the seaside towns where boats pass in cavalcade before local senior clergy to be blessed.

There are fireworks in the towns surrounding the Bassin d'Arcachon.

I think the Féria at Dax is timed to coincide with the Assumption.

We, meanwhile, have spent a quiet day at home apart from a quick sortie to the supermarket for essential supplies of school diaries and coca cola. I sneaked in a bit of translation work that nobody knows about. Please don't tell. A late evening rendezvous about accommodation is postponed. Voilà.


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