It's a bargain, innit

We were in this Carrefour looking for something to eat while the kids were in the waterpark with the Griffins. We wandered everywhere. There on the bottom shelf in the 50% off section, a breadmaker.

We'd had a breadmaker in Britain, but it was one of the things we gave away when we got ready to come to France. ( We got shot of lots of good stuff and kept all the junk. )

Anyway there was no price, so I found Pat and showed her. It's a Slytherin, a brand you see quite a bit in France. So I found a young lady and asked her how much. She said she'd have to find out at customer services.

Off she went. We followed slowly, getting to ready to say 'Merci bien, on n'le prend pas, au revoir, bonne journée.'

But she said "ben, wé, c'était à vingt-neuf euros quatre-vingt dix-neuf, donc à quatorze euros et quelques."

15 euros. Really ? "Ben, on le prend, quoi."

So there we are.

A friend at church has been telling us how she saves a fortune by making her own bread using the cheapest flour that Aldi or LIDL can afford, so we tried it, and it's true. Type 45 flour for patisserie works just fine at 39 c a kilo, which makes your 1kg loaf of bread about 25 pence ?


katylinvw said…
bonjour! i just found your blog via & i love it! i love how you mix french & english when you blog - definitely stretched my memory - i am so way out of practice :S happy to have found you, i'll definitely be back!

Burden Bearers International
the great adventure
Alan said…
Bienvenue Katy Lin !

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