More from the recce - the school

Pat has been to see the school that Samy's kids go to (he's the Floirac church's pastor). It's in Pessac, near the university. It seems very friendly. Pat asked if she could meet the pastor's wife to ask her about the school - but that turned into a visit to meet the head and some of the teachers and to have a tour of the school. There are English-speaking teachers at the school and Gwilym & Catrin could be placed in their classes.

I was very amused to hear that after we all had a 4am start on Monday (her flight was at 6:45 from Manchester) Pat had a 5:30am (French time, so 4:30am BST, 3:30am GMT!) wake-up on Tuesday because they had to get to the pastor's house for 7am to go to the school for 8!

What's the chances of Pat coming home "a mornings person"?

(I can tell you - no chance at all.....)


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