La visite conseil

 With our old flat when you announce that you're leaving they arrange a "visite conseil" to tell you what you have to do to get your deposit back. (yeah, right) The lady came this morning and was disarmingly reasonable. She said, "You can tell that you've looked after the flat" and pointed out a couple of areas where we'd need to paint the wall - in the bathroom where some of the paint came off, and by the door where the orange engineer drilled holes before fixing the alarm with adhesive strips instead.

She asked why we were moving and I said that we wanted somewhere where the place was better looked after and more secure. She was surprised that we had been burgled. I also explained that with various issues we'd had we'd ended up being bounced from one company to another.

We have three buttons for entering the building. One has never worked, despite our attempts to get it sorted out.

"Again, we've paid for 5 years for a parking space to which we have no access. We were never given a card, but when I contacted your company to ask for one they said that we had been given one"

She said that was easy to check as she had the original "état des lieux" and if a card had been given it would have been noted. She looked. No card. I took a photo of the sheet.

"It's very difficult when someone treats you as a liar", I said. 

Still, at least we now have documentary proof that we were not given a card for the car park, so we can't be penalised for not giving it back!


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