Ikea kitchen - the story continues
I made an appointment on Saturday to go and talk to the Ikea kitchen planners about the kitchen. On Friday evening at 19:30 the lady phoned me up.
"Mr Davey, you'll need to contact your bank and ensure you can pay for the kitchen tomorrow."
(In France, to avoid fraudulent use, bank cards have all kinds of limits set, for one transaction, for one day, for one week....)
"You've seen what time it is?"
"Well yes, but you can contact them tomorrow. The banks are open on Saturday morning."
I'm absolutely sure my bank is NOT open on Saturday morning, so I postponed the appointment to today.
The young chap said, "so you're ready to order?"
"With two caveats - firstly we don't yet have a date to get the keys, and secondly the estimate for the kitchen increased suddenly by 2000 euros."
"When is the apartment supposed to be completed?"
"End of may, beginning of June"
"Oh, well it's too early to order today anyway, I can only take an order a maximum of two months in advance.
"OK, what about this increase in the estimate?"
He perused the detailed, itemised quote.
"Well it's the worktop! You've got 3000€ in walnut worktop here."
"Walnut? For a worktop? We said we wanted laminate."
"Of course. The original had 300€ worth of laminate worktop. This one has 3000€ in walnut worktop."
All is clear. We'll order the kitchen in late April, early May.