A quick scare

 So here's the plan for the next few years :

A) purchase an apartment using the equity from our house sale in North Wales, plus savings

B) move in and stop paying rent, so reducing our support requirements for the next few years

C) progressively hand over to my fellow elder in a increase/decrease kind of way

D) retire from UFM at the end of 2025, drawing on our UK and French pensions to live, so freeing up all our support to go to other people

Obviously buying the place is the first step (A above) and we're actively engaged in doing this thanks to the prix maitrisé scheme that makes unaffordable flats affordable.

HOWEVER, at the end of last week I observed in a Facebook group for Brits living in France somebody enquiring about the legal fees that would be incurred if somebody gave them a house. The fees came to 8% of the value of the property.

This served to remind me that I had not seen a detailed breakdown of the legal fees involved in our purchase. 

GASP! 8% would sink the project. But I know also that prix maitrisé also involves frais de notaire maitrisés.

I emailed our notaire first thing on Monday morning. 

The reply came back. 

It's all OK.


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