Yesterday we gathered at the amphitheatre of the Musée d'Aquitaine for a Brexit Reachout Meeting organised by and in the presence of the UK Ambassador to France, Lord Ed Llewellyn. He outlined the current state of Brexit negotiations, observing and reiterating that at this time last year everyone predicted that we could never agree the amount of the divorce settlement, and then we did. He wanted to reassure everyone that a deal is possible.
He repeated the current advice of the British Embassy to apply for a Carte de Séjour. When told that the Prefecture of the Gironde was reluctant to issue them to European citizens, and that in some other centres the situation is even worse, he promised to address this with the Prefet that very afternoon.
We also heard that the Prefecture of the Gironde has been instructed to issue Cartes de Séjour to qualifying people who ask for them.
In the event of a no-deal Brexit there is, of course, no deal. The French Government is preparing legislation to handle this. nous devons faire en sorte qu’en cas d’absence d’accord au 30 mars 2019 les Britanniques résidant en France ne se retrouvent pas brutalement en situation irrégulière (We should arrange things so that in the case of no deal on 30 March 2019 the British living in France do not find themselves suddenly in an illegal situation.)
There was a long question time where people's fears and uncertainties were expressed.
As for us, we have sent off our requests for cartes de séjour, and we await the response of the prefecture.
He repeated the current advice of the British Embassy to apply for a Carte de Séjour. When told that the Prefecture of the Gironde was reluctant to issue them to European citizens, and that in some other centres the situation is even worse, he promised to address this with the Prefet that very afternoon.
We also heard that the Prefecture of the Gironde has been instructed to issue Cartes de Séjour to qualifying people who ask for them.
In the event of a no-deal Brexit there is, of course, no deal. The French Government is preparing legislation to handle this. nous devons faire en sorte qu’en cas d’absence d’accord au 30 mars 2019 les Britanniques résidant en France ne se retrouvent pas brutalement en situation irrégulière (We should arrange things so that in the case of no deal on 30 March 2019 the British living in France do not find themselves suddenly in an illegal situation.)
There was a long question time where people's fears and uncertainties were expressed.
As for us, we have sent off our requests for cartes de séjour, and we await the response of the prefecture.