
When I had my eyes tested the ophthalmologist said, "Now I don't know if your additional health assurance will cover your new glasses. Some of them have gone to once every two years.

So I watched out for the reimbursement.

On 14 February the state scheme reimbursed 14 euros of the cost, and the message said that the bill had been passed to our additional health assurer.

Since then nothing.

So I called it at the local office armed with every possible relevant piece of paper.
The lady at the desk phoned head office.

"They say that it's every two years now, unless your eyesight has changed", quoth she, holding the phone in her hand.

"And what does this prescription say?" asked I.

"Ah yes. ... But his eyesight has changed", she said down the telephone.

So today I was glad to see that I have been reimbursed.

Should think so too!


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