Oh man, what a day!

Poor Patricia.
On Friday evening she started to feel ill.
All Friday night was punctuated by visits to address herself loudly, kneeling, to the lavatory pan.
We think it was a bug. Once she had had one last big final bout at about 4am or 5am she settled down.
I, however, was in the bookshop. A friend had offered to replace me but not wanting to phone him before 9am I sent a text message. There came no reply so I hauled myself to the bookshop where several fine and wonderful people nevertheless had the impertinence to require my help or to buy things. Honestly!
A call came. Could I stay till 4? Ah no! Not today! So at 1 a redoutable young lady came to take my place and I returned home where I was greatly encouraged by Pat's recovery, by our accompanists and by some baked beans.


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